Deserialize JSON into data table in VB.NET using JsonConvert

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醉话见心 2021-01-23 10:40

I am deserializing JSON into a data table using the below statement in VB.NET.

Dim _dt As DataTable = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of DataTable)(myRecords)

  • 2021-01-23 11:28

    The reason Json.NET creates a string-typed column for "PhoneNo" : "123456789" is that "123456789" is, in fact, a string literal according to the JSON standard. A numeric literal would look like this, without double-quotes around the value: 123456789. Are you certain that these properties will always be numeric strings? Not all phone numbers are numeric, e.g., so it seems unwise to hardcode them as such.

    That being said, if you are sure that these properties will always be numeric strings and want Json.NET to create numeric DataTable columns for them, you need to tell it in advance the desired type for those columns. One option would be to create a typed DataTable from an appropriate schema. In that case, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of TTypedDataTable)(myRecords) will create a DataTable subclass with the required column types.

    Another option would be to create the DataTable manually with an appropriate set of columns, then populate the table from your JSON. Unfortunately JsonConvert.PopulateObject() will not work on a preallocated DataTable so you need to call DataTableConverter.ReadJson() directly. This could be done with the following extension method:

    Public Module JsonExtensions
        Public Sub PopulateDataTable(json As String, target As DataTable, Optional settings As JsonSerializerSettings = Nothing)
            Using reader = New JsonTextReader(New StringReader(json))
                    If reader.TokenType = JsonToken.StartArray Then
                        ' Populate the table
                        Dim converter = New DataTableConverter()
                        converter.ReadJson(reader, target.GetType(), target, JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings))
                    End If
                Loop While reader.Read()
            End Using
        End Sub
    End Module

    Then use it as follows:

            Dim _dt = New DataTable()
            _dt.Columns.Add("PhoneNo", GetType(Long))
            _dt.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Long))
            JsonExtensions.PopulateDataTable(myRecords, _dt)

    Example fiddle.

    You also wrote, I can't hard code. If you really don't know in advance which columns with string values should actually be deserialized as numeric types, what you can do is to pre-process the JSON by loading it into a Jtoken, grouping all properties values by name, and for each group, checking that all the values in the group are strings that are convertible to numbers. If all are convertible, you can make the conversion. But if only some are convertible you should not make the conversion as this will break Json.NET's type inference algorithm. It can be done using the following extension methods:

    Public Module JsonExtensions
        Private ReadOnly NumberTypes = New JTokenType() {JTokenType.[Integer], JTokenType.Float, JTokenType.[String], JTokenType.Comment, JTokenType.Raw, JTokenType.[Boolean]}
        Private Function ValidateToken(o As JToken, validTypes As JTokenType(), nullable As Boolean) As Boolean
            Return (Array.IndexOf(validTypes, o.Type) <> -1) OrElse (nullable AndAlso (o.Type = JTokenType.Null OrElse o.Type = JTokenType.Undefined))
        End Function
        <System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
        Public Function CanConvertToNullableLong(token As JToken) As Boolean
            ' Reverse engineered from 
            ' public static explicit operator long?(JToken value)
            If token Is Nothing OrElse token.Type = JTokenType.Null OrElse token.Type = JTokenType.Boolean Then
                Return True
            End If
            If Not ValidateToken(token, NumberTypes, True) Then
                Return False
            End If
            Dim jValue = TryCast(token, JValue)
            If jValue Is Nothing Then
                Return False
            End If
            If TypeOf jValue.Value Is BigInteger Then
                Dim i = CType(jValue.Value, BigInteger)
                Return i <= Long.MaxValue AndAlso i >= Long.MinValue
            End If
            Dim s = CType(jValue, String)
            Dim v As Long
            Return Long.TryParse(s, NumberStyles.Number, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo, v)
        End Function
        Public Sub TryConvertColumnsToNullableLong(root As JToken)
            If TypeOf root Is JContainer Then
                ' If ALL columns values of a given name can be converted from string to long, then do so.
                ' Do not convert columns where some but not all are convertable.
                For Each group In DirectCast(root, JContainer) _
                    .Descendants() _
                    .OfType(Of JProperty)() _
                    .GroupBy(Function(p) p.Name) _
                    .Where(Function(g) g.All(Function(p) (p.Value.Type = JTokenType.String Or p.Value.Type = JTokenType.Null) AndAlso p.Value.CanConvertToNullableLong()))
                    For Each p In group
                        p.Value = CType(p.Value, System.Nullable(Of Long))
            End If
        End Sub
    End Module

    Then preprocess and deserialize as follows:

            Dim token = JToken.Parse(myRecords)
            Dim _dt = token.ToObject(Of DataTable)()

    Example fiddle #2.

    I'm not sure I would recommend this however. The fact that the JSON values are strings suggest that, in the database from which the JSON was generated, these values could be arbitrary strings. If so, hacking in a conversion to long could cause problems later when non-numeric values start getting entered into the database.

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