It\'s the first time I want to use unit tests in my c++ project. Hence I\'ve many existing classes for which I will write tests (at least for some of them). Further, the applica
In my opinion the best approach is to create a model library (with all the production code), a program executable and a test executable. Then you can link all your production code against the program and test executable. The test-files are also stored in the test executable. All my projects have this structure:
model.lib (link against both exe)
In the concrete folder on your file system can be stored the test- and production-files. A build tool (like cmake) should separate the files and put the test files into the test executable and the production files into the model-library.
Consider the following example: I have a folder with the following files:
src (folder)
- main.cpp
- model.h
- model.cpp
- modelTest.cpp
A cmake file could look like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(program main.cpp)
ADD_library(model shared model.cpp model.h)
ADD_EXECUTABLE(modelTest modelTest.cpp)
target_link_libraries(program model)
target_link_libraries(modelTest model)
If you use a testing-framework like google test, you also have to link the modelTest executable against gmock and don't forget to add the include folder:
target_link_libraries(modelTest gmock_main gmock)