I need to reject my binary so I can re-upload. This was always quite a hidden option on iTunes connect. Now with the re-design, I\'ve looked everywhere and can\'t find it.
As of 11-Sept-2014 - there seems to be no way to do this. Yesterday the message in hemantchittora's solution was possible and so was rejecting the binary from the ITC iOS app, but today neither of those seem possible. I have submitted this exact question to Apple Support.
Update: After waiting a few hours for the build to process the message in hemantchittora's post finally did appear. So it seems you can't reject a build right away but only after it finishes processing. When uploading a new build you have to increase the build number (but not the version number)
In my case I am having this link above version Information section, Try to Refresh or Relogin and see,