Hi everyone :) I have a problem with function pointers
My \'callback\' function arguments are:
1) a function like this: int(*fx)(int,int)
2) an int variable: int a<
Functions cannot be referenced this way:
int (*function3)(int, int) = obj.*function2;
You have to pass the address of the function like this:
int (*function3)(int, int) = std::mem_fn(&A::sub, obj); // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The expression function2
decays into a pointer-to-function which allows it to work.
I would do it with std functors, here is a simple example based off of your code:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
class A{
int x;
A(int elem){
x = elem;
static int add(int a, int b){
return a + b;
int sub(int a, int b) const{
return x - (a + b);
void callback( std::function<int(const A& ,int,int )> fx, A obj, int a, int b)
cout << "Value of the callback: " << fx( obj, a, b) << endl;
int main()
A obj(5);
std::function<int(const A& ,int,int )> Aprinter= &A::sub;