I´m trying to connect R with Netezza using the JDBC driver.
I manage to connect succesfully with the database, but the results are not corretc.
# Here ar
I scrolled your output all the way to the right and it looks like the strings in your columns are very wide (are they CHAR instead of VARCHAR?), so the result does not fit the width of R console. Hence R displays them that way.
So try to either trim them in your query
select rtrim(SUB_ACCOUNT_ID), ...
or in R:
res$SUB_ACCOUNT_ID <- str_trim(res$SUB_ACCOUNT_ID)
Based on Alex answer i wrote this function to use rtrim in all variables.
query_nzz <- function(con, select="select * ", from="", where = "", limit = " 10000; "){
# Get variable Names
query_names = paste(select, " from ",from, where, sep = " ")
names <- dbGetQuery(con, paste(query_names,"limit 1;", sep= " "))
names <- names(names)
# Trim spaces
select <- paste0("trim(",names,") as ", names, collapse = ",")
query = paste0("select ", select, " from ", from, where, " limit ",deparse(limit),";")
data = dbGetQuery(con, query)
Function usage
dt <- query_nzz(
select = "select * ",
where = "",
limit = 100000