I created a table in postgresql by SqlAlchemy
my_table = Table(\'test_table\', meta,
Column(\'id\', Integer,primary_key=Tr
The set_ parameter expects a mapping with column names as keys and expressions or literals as values, but you're passing a mapping with nested dictionaries as values, i.e. df.to_dict(orient='dict')
. The error "can't adapt type 'dict'" is the result of SQLAlchemy passing those dictionaries to Psycopg2 as "literals".
Because you are trying to insert multiple rows in a single INSERT using the VALUES clause, you should use excluded in the SET actions. EXCLUDED is a special table representing the rows meant to be inserted.
insert_statement = postgresql.insert(my_table).values(df.to_dict(orient='records'))
upsert_statement = insert_statement.on_conflict_do_update(
set_={c.key: c for c in insert_statement.excluded if c.key != 'id'})