What is the best way to wait for an element to appear on a web page? I have read that we can use implicit wait and functions like webdriverwait, fluentwait etc and last but not
Always start by using a implicit wait. I think Selenium defaults to 5 seconds and so if you do a driver.findElement(), the implication is that it will wait up to 5 seconds. That should do it. If you are experiencing a scenario where the time it takes is unpredictable, then use FluentWait (with the same 5 second timeout) but also using the .ignoring method and wrap that inside a while loop . Here is the basic idea:
int tries=0;
while ( tries < 3 ) {
//fluent wait (with .ignoring) inside here
tries ++1;
You could wait for the presence of the element to appear as follows:
new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.id("someId")));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
I'm a professional scraper (http://nitinsurana.com) I've written 30+ softwares using selenium and I've never faced any such issue, anyways above is a sample code.
All I can think of is that what until condition has to be checked because many a times elements are already visible, but they are not clickable and things like that. I guess you should give different options a try and I hope you'll find the one required.
public boolean waitForElement(WebElement ele, String xpath, int seconds) throws InterruptedException{
//returns true if the xpath appears in the webElement within the time
//false when timed out
int t=0;
return true;
System.out.println("waited for "+seconds+"seconds. But couldn't find "+xpath+ " in the element specified");
return false;