I want to create a dropdown with two links. A \'Delete\' and a \'Edit\' link.
For the delete function I created a form.
{!! Form
Laravel uses method spoofing to do 'DELETE', 'PUT', 'PATCH' form requests. Like @Jilson Thomas mentioned, you can just create a link directly to the route. I suspect you're using resourceful routes, thats why you're trying to post a DELETE request?
Have a look at this section in the routing docs, this may help you out: https://laravel.com/docs/master/controllers#restful-supplementing-resource-controllers
Based on your routes posted, I believe the following two routes are matching before it gets to your desired route.
Route::put('/show/{id}/edit', ['as' => 'editing', 'uses' => 'Test\\TestController@update']);
Route::delete('/show/{id}', 'Test\\TestController@destroy')->name('destroy');
Try moving your desired route above these and see what happens.
<li><a href="{{ route('destroy', $comment->id) }}">Delete</a></li>
That will produce a GET request, therefore it will not match Route::delete(...). The previous method was posting a form to the route. Also, wrapping an entire form in an anchor tag is invalid markup.
Alternative way, try 'Laravel Collective' Html Helper.
{!! Form::open('delete',
'method' => 'delete,
'route' => ['show.destroy', $comment->id]
) !!}
{!! Form::submit('Submit') !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}
Route::delete('show/{show}', [
'uses' => 'TestController@destroy',
'as' => 'show.destroy'
So, as per the discussion in the comments, you'll have to use ajax request to do a delete
request from an anchor tag.
url: '/show/'+$('#testId').attr('value'),
type: 'DELETE',
success: function(data){ if(data.success) alert('Deleted'); },
error: function() {}
and in your route:
Route::delete('/show/{id}', ['as'=>'destroy', 'uses'=>'Test\\TestController@destroy']);
<li><a href="#" id="testId" value="{{$comment->id}}">Delete</a></li>