For some reason it seems that ampersands are not working like they should when I attempt to use them in shell commands in VB. When I attempt to link two commands together on the
Have you considered using the Process object to start ADB with the CommandLine options being set
Dim psi As New ProcessStartInfo
psi.WorkingDirectory = "c:\"
psi.Arguments = "shell monkey -p -v 1"
psi.FileName = "ADB"
psi.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
return Process.Start(psi)
in the event that your ADB program only allows a single instance to run, maybe you need to add the following
Dim ps As Process = Process.Start(psi)
psi.Arguments = 'new arguments
The Shell command expects a file name, so command line extensions won't work.
There are a couple of options:
1) Start cmd.exe with process.start and pass the parameters (I have not tested this, so am unsure if it will work.
2) Create your commands in a .cmd or .bat file and then shell that file (this seems like it might be the easiest approach).
Deleted my other answer, found a simpler way to do this.
This is what you want...
Shell("cmd.exe /c cd C:\ & adb shell monkey -p -v 1", AppWinStyle.Hide)
Inserting it into your original code...
Shell("cmd.exe /c cd " & TextBox2.Text.ToString & " & adb -s " & TextBox15.Text.ToString & " shell monkey -p " & TextBox1.Text.ToString & " -v 1", AppWinStyle.Hide)
I tested the first example and it seemed to work.