How exactly do you change the Font in a RichTextBox?
Looking around gives me old answers that doesn\'t seem to work any more. I thought it would be as simple as doing
is a FontWeight
. You can apply it directly.
As MSDN Doc states "Gets or sets the weight or thickness of the specified font."
You can either set it in xaml
<RichTextBox FontWeight="Bold" x:Name="richText" />
or in codebehind:
richText.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
If your trying to switch FontFamily
that would be like:
richText.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial");
or FontStyle
richText.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
Update: (for updating RichTextBox
This is just a quick mock-up. Using this as an example. Please structure it for your requirements.
Paragraph textParagraph = new Paragraph();
AddInLineBoldText("Title: ", ref textParagraph);
AddNormalTextWithBreak(rs.Title, ref textParagraph);
AddInLineBoldText("Publication Date: ", ref textParagraph);
AddNormalTextWithBreak(rs.PublicationDate, ref textParagraph);
AddInLineBoldText("Description: ", ref textParagraph);
AddNormalTextWithBreak(rs.Description, ref textParagraph);
AddNormalTextWithBreak("", ref textParagraph);
private static void AddInLineBoldText(string text, ref Paragraph paragraph) {
Bold myBold = new Bold();
private static void AddNormalTextWithBreak(string text, ref Paragraph paragraph) {
Run myRun = new Run {Text = text + Environment.NewLine};