How can I get the integer \"100\" from dataset1 [below]?
var dataset1 = [ {video_name: \"Apples\", video_views: 100}, {video_name: \"Or
You are working with an array of objects here. It should, therefore, be possible to use the forEach() method of arrays in javascript. You can read more about this in MD5 Documentation
The following code snippet should iterate through your array of objects and access the key: value pairs easily.
var dataset1 = [
{video_name: "Apples", video_views: 100},
{video_name: "Oranges", video_views: 35},
{video_name: "Grapes", video_views: 20},
{video_name: "Avocados", video_views: 85},
{video_name: "Tomatoes", video_views: 60}
dataset1.forEach(function (element, index, array){
console.log("Video Name: " + dataset1[index].video_name + "; Views: "+ dataset1[index].video_views);
would get that
If you want video views based on video name, you'll need to loop through the array and find it.
var dataset1 = [
{video_name: "Apples", video_views: 100},
{video_name: "Oranges", video_views: 35},
{video_name: "Grapes", video_views: 20},
{video_name: "Avocados", video_views: 85},
{video_name: "Tomatoes", video_views: 60}
var searchCriteria = {video_name: "Apples"};
var searchResult;
//This loop sets searchResult to the LAST element in the set that meets the criteria
var matches = true;
for (var key in searchCriteria){
if (searchCriteria[key] !== obj[key]){
matches = false;
if (matches){
searchResult = obj;
or you could use a library like Underscore to do the same thing, but without having to look at the loop.