Like the title says, I\'m trying to make a stored procedure used to send emails to addresses stored in the database, often including multiple recipients. I\'ve tried a few appro
You can do a query and assign the values to a variable as such:
DECLARE @myRecipientList varchar(max)
SET @myRecipientList = (STUFF((SELECT ';' + emailaddress FROM table FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,''))
This will set your @myRecipientLIst to a ";" delimited list of the recipients specified your query.
You could also do the same sort of idea with a SP, just throw them into a temp/variable table and stuff
into a semi colon separated list.
Finally to send the mail you could do:
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = @recipientList,
@subject = @subject,
@body = @body // ........
based on your original query, your stuff query should look something like this:
DECLARE @myRecipientList varchar(max)
SET @myRecipientList = STUFF((SELECT ';' + email FROM emailTable WHERE idNumber = @idNumber FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')
The idea behind this is - for every email found in the email table append to @myrecipientList the email found and a semi colon.