Percentage to Hexcolor in PHP

前端 未结 3 1834
渐次进展 2021-01-23 04:11

I\'d like to make a percentage into a hexidecimal color. Kind of how HSV color degrees work...
I am using PHP.

  0% : RED       (#FF0000)
  8% : ORANGE          

  • 2021-01-23 04:43

    Try converting the percentage to HSV (divide the percentage by 100 to get the hue and just set the saturation and value to an arbitrary constant like 1) and then using this question to convert that to RGB form: PHP HSV to RGB formula comprehension

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-23 04:55

    This little snippet would appear to do what you're trying to achieve

    function percent2Color($value,$brightness = 255, $max = 100,$min = 0, $thirdColorHex = '00')
        // Calculate first and second color (Inverse relationship)
        $first = (1-($value/$max))*$brightness;
        $second = ($value/$max)*$brightness;
        // Find the influence of the middle color (yellow if 1st and 2nd are red and green)
        $diff = abs($first-$second);    
        $influence = ($brightness-$diff)/2;     
        $first = intval($first + $influence);
        $second = intval($second + $influence);
        // Convert to HEX, format and return
        $firstHex = str_pad(dechex($first),2,0,STR_PAD_LEFT);     
        $secondHex = str_pad(dechex($second),2,0,STR_PAD_LEFT); 
        return $firstHex . $secondHex . $thirdColorHex ; 
        // alternatives:
        // return $thirdColorHex . $firstHex . $secondHex; 
        // return $firstHex . $thirdColorHex . $secondHex;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-23 04:58

    This is not my code and I don't remember where I found it. I've been using it for a couple of years and it works perfectly for me. It could be what your looking for (or part of it may be).

    class colour
      protected $R = 0; //Red
      protected $G = 0; //Green
      protected $B = 0; //Blue
      protected $H = 0; //Hue
      protected $S = 0; //Saturation
      protected $L = 0; //Luminance
      protected $hex = 0;
      protected $web;
      protected $complement;
      public function __construct($r, $g = false, $b = false)
        //set up array of web colour names
        $this->web = array(
            'black'   => '#000000',
            'green'   => '#008000',
              'silver'  => '#C0C0C0',
            'lime'    => '#00FF00',
            'gray'    => '#808080',
            'olive'   => '#808000',
            'white'   => '#FFFFFF',
            'yellow'  => '#FFFF00',
            'maroon'  => '#800000',
            'navy'    => '#000080',
            'red'     => '#FF0000',
            'blue'    => '#0000FF',
            'purple'  => '#800080',
            'teal'    => '#008080',
            'fuchsia' => '#FF00FF' 
        //accept either R,G,B or hex colour
        //If hex, convert to RGB
        if($r && $g && $b){
          //yes then save
          $this->R = $r;
          $this->G = $g;
          $this->B = $b;
        } elseif(isset($this->web[strtolower($r)])){
          //named colour?
          $this->hex = $this->web[strtolower($r)];
        } else {
          //no - so convert
          if($r[0] != '#') $r = '#' . $r;
          $this->hex = $r;
        //$this->complement = $this->getComplement();
      public function getLighter($factor)
        //return colour lightened by %$factor in hex
        //$factor can be negative to give a darker colour
        if($factor > 1 || $factor < -1) $factor = $factor/100;
        $r = (string)round($this->R+((255 - $this->R) * $factor));
        $g = (string)round($this->G+((255 - $this->G) * $factor));
        $b = (string)round($this->B+((255 - $this->B) * $factor));
        if($r > 255)$r = 255;
        if($r < 0)$r = 0;
        if($g > 255)$g = 255;
        if($g < 0)$g = 0;
        if($b > 255)$b = 255;
        if($b < 0)$b = 0;
        var_dump($r, $g, $b);
        return $this->convertToHex($r, $g, $b);
      public function opposite()
        $r = $this->R;
        $g = $this->G;
        $b = $this->B;
        $r = 255 - $r;
        $g = 255 - $g;
        $b = 255 - $b;
        return $this->convertToHex($r, $g, $b); 
      public function getRGB()
        //returns an array (r, g, b)
        $rgb = array( 'r' => $this->R,
                      'g' => $this->G,
                      'b' => $this->B);
        return $rgb;
      public function getHex()
        if($this->hex) return $this->hex;
        $hex = '#' . dechex($this->R) . dechex($this->G) . dechex($this->B);
        return $hex; 
      public static function namedToHex($name)
        //return hex value of named colour
        $web = array(
            'black'   => '#000000',
            'green'   => '#008000',
              'silver'  => '#C0C0C0',
            'lime'    => '#00FF00',
            'gray'    => '#808080',
            'olive'   => '#808000',
            'white'   => '#FFFFFF',
            'yellow'  => '#FFFF00',
            'maroon'  => '#800000',
            'navy'    => '#000080',
            'red'     => '#FF0000',
            'blue'    => '#0000FF',
            'purple'  => '#800080',
            'teal'    => '#008080',
            'fuchsia' => '#FF00FF' 
          return $web[strtolower($name)];
        return false;
      public static function contrast(colour $fg, colour $bg){
        //calculate and return contrast between $fg and $bg
        $cont = 1;
        $fglum = $fg->luminance();
        $bglum = $bg->luminance();
        if($fglum > $bglum) $cont = ($fglum + 0.05) / ($bglum + 0.05);
        if($bglum > $fglum) $cont = ($bglum + 0.05) / ($fglum + 0.05);
        return $cont;
      public static function colourDiff(colour $colour1, colour $colour2)
        //returns the colour difference between two colours
        $rgb1 = $colour1->getRGB();
        $rgb2 = $colour2->getRGB();
        $r1 = $rgb1['r'];
        $r2 = $rgb2['r'];
        $g1 = $rgb1['g'];
        $g2 = $rgb2['g'];
        $b1 = $rgb1['b'];
        $b2 = $rgb2['b'];
        $diff = max($r1, $r2) - min($r1, $r2);
        $diff += max($g1, $g2) - min($g1, $g2);
        $diff += max($b1, $b2) - min($b1, $b2);
        return $diff;
      public function brightness()
        return (($this->R * 299) + ($this->G * 587) + ($this->B * 114))/1000;
      public function luminance()
        //returns luminence of coulour
        $r = $this->lumCheck($this->R/255);
        $g = $this->lumCheck($this->G/255);
        $b = $this->lumCheck($this->B/255);
        $lum = (0.2126 * $r) + (0.7152 * $g) + (0.0722 * $b);
        return $lum; 
      protected function lumCheck($col)
        if($col <= 0.03298){
          return $col/12.92;
        } else {
          return pow((($col + 0.055)/1.055), 2.4);
      protected function convertToRGB($color)
        $color = (string)$color;
        if($color[0] == '#'){
            $color = substr($color, 1);
        if(strlen($color) == 6){
            list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[1],
        elseif(strlen($color) == 3){
            list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[0], $color[1].$color[1], $color[2].$color[2]);
            return false;
        $r = hexdec($r); $g = hexdec($g); $b = hexdec($b);
        $this->R = (int)$r;
        $this->G = (int)$g;
        $this->B = (int)$b;
      protected function convertToHex($r, $g, $b)
        $r = dechex($r);
        if(strlen($r) == 1)$r = '0' . $r;
        $g = dechex($g);
        if(strlen($g) == 1)$g = '0' . $g;
        $b = dechex($b);
        if(strlen($b) == 1)$b = '0' . $b;
        $hex = '#' . $r . $g . $b;
        return $hex;
      protected function rgbTohsl()
        $r = ( $this->R / 255 );                     //RGB from 0 to 255
        $g = ( $this->G / 255 );
        $b = ( $this->B / 255 );
        $var_Min = min( $r, $g, $b );    //Min. value of RGB
        $var_Max = max( $r, $g, $b );    //Max. value of RGB
        $del_Max = $var_Max - $var_Min;  //Delta RGB value
        $l = ( $var_Max + $var_Min ) / 2;
        $this->L = $l;
        if ( $del_Max == 0 ){           //This is a gray, no chroma...
          $this->H = 0;                                //HSL results from 0 to 1
          $this->S = 0;
        } else {                                   //Chromatic data...
          if ( $l < 0.5 ) {
            $this->S = $del_Max / ( $var_Max + $var_Min );
          } else {
            $this->S = $del_Max / ( 2 - $var_Max - $var_Min );
            $del_R = ( ( ( $var_Max - $r ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
            $del_G = ( ( ( $var_Max - $g ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
            $del_B = ( ( ( $var_Max - $b ) / 6 ) + ( $del_Max / 2 ) ) / $del_Max;
            if( $r == $var_Max ){
              $h = $del_B - $del_G;
            } elseif( $g == $var_Max ){
              $h = ( 1 / 3 ) + $del_R - $del_B;
            } elseif( $b == $var_Max ) {
              $h = ( 2 / 3 ) + $del_G - $del_R;
            if ( $h < 0 ) $h += 1;
            if ( $h > 1 ) $h -= 1;
            $this->H = $h;
      protected function hslTorgb($h, $s, $l)
        if ( $s == 0 ){                       //HSL from 0 to 1
          $r = $l * 255;                      //RGB results from 0 to 255
          $g = $l * 255;
          $b = $l * 255;
        } else {
          if ( $l < 0.5 ) {
            $var_2 = $l * ( 1 + $s );
          } else {
            $var_2 = ( $l + $s ) - ( $s * $l );
          $var_1 = 2 * $l - $var_2;
          $r = 255 * $this->hueToRGB( $var_1, $var_2, $h + ( 1 / 3 ) );
          $g = 255 * $this->hueToRGB( $var_1, $var_2, $h );
          $b = 255 * $this->hueToRGB( $var_1, $var_2, $h - ( 1 / 3 ) );
        return array('r'=>$r,'g'=>$g,'b'=>$b);
      protected function hueToRGB($v1, $v2, $vH)
        if($vH < 0)$vH += 1;
        if($vH > 1)$vH -= 1;
        if ( ( 6 * $vH ) < 1 ) return ( $v1 + ( $v2 - $v1 ) * 6 * $vH );
        if ( ( 2 * $vH ) < 1 ) return ( $v2 );
        if ( ( 3 * $vH ) < 2 ) return ( $v1 + ( $v2 - $v1 ) * ( ( 2 / 3 ) - $vH ) * 6 );
        return ( $v1 );
      public function getComplement()
        $h = $this->H + 180;
        if($h > 360)$h -= 360;
        $rgb = $this->hslTorgb($h, $this->S, $this->L);
        return $this->convertToHex($rgb['r'], $rgb['g'], $rgb['b']);
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