I have a large string that has a series of floating points in string. A typical string would have Item X $4.50 Description of item \\r\\n\\r\\n Item Z $4.75...
You should use RegEx:
Regex r = new RegEx("[0-9]+\.[0-9]+");
Match m = r.Match(myString);
Something like that. Then you can just use:
float f = float.Parse(m.value);
If you need an array:
MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(myString);
string[] myArray = new string[mc.Count];
mc.CopyTo(myArray, 0);
I just created a small sample application for you Joe. I compiled it and it worked fine on my machine using the input line from your question. If you are having problems, post your InputString so I can try it out with that. Here is the code I wrote:
static void Main(string[] args)
const string InputString = "Item X $4.50 Description of item \r\n\r\n Item Z $4.75";
var r = new Regex(@"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+");
var mc = r.Matches(InputString);
var matches = new Match[mc.Count];
mc.CopyTo(matches, 0);
var myFloats = new float[matches.Length];
var ndx = 0;
foreach (Match m in matches)
myFloats[ndx] = float.Parse(m.Value);
foreach (float f in myFloats)
// myFloats should now have all your floating point values