In my rails project, I want to get SoundCloud track/song title, description, provider data using song url given by user from his SoundCloud account or any SoundCloud link.
You can use the SoundCloud API for this - see section SoundCloud URLs:
If you have a permalink URL to a particular resource, but need more information such as an ID or other property. In these cases, you can use the /resolve endpoint to extract a full representation of the resource.
There's also an example using Ruby:
require 'soundcloud'
# create client with your app's credentials
client = => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID')
# a permalink to a track
track_url = ''
# resolve track URL into track resource
track = client.get('/resolve', :url => track_url)
# now that we have the track id, we can get a list of comments, for example
client.get("/tracks/#{}/comments").each do |comment|
puts "Someone said: #{comment.body} at #{comment.timestamp}"