I am trying to debug this issue for last 2 days, I have tried all the solutions available on SO and Microsoft connect but can\'t seem to find any solution.
I downloaded
Had same issue, reinstalling WP8 SDK didn't help either.
The problem can be overcome by adding ThemeResources.xaml to the project resources as follows:
Blend: In project view, right click Resources folder and choose "Link to existing item...". Add C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Design\ThemeResources.xaml there and it should work.
VS2012: In Solution Explorer, right click folder "Resources" and choose "Add" -> "Existing item...". Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Design\ThemeResources.xaml and choose "Add as link".
I've got no idea about the root cause i.e. why ThemeResources.xaml isn't included in the new project.
Did you search for PhoneProgressBarBackgroundBrush? It should show up in a Resource Dictionary. If you find it, I'd go make sure that Resource Dictionary is declared as a MergedDictionary in your app.xaml, if you can't find it, then you have the next troubleshooting question asked, as to whether it just needs added.
You can try putting something like this into a resource dictionary;
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="PhoneProgressBarBackgroundBrush"
Color="Black" />
If you're not sure of what file holds your other brushes, a quick search for something like "<solidcolorbrush"
should show you others. Hope this helps.