I\'m having trouble attempting to dynamically add images, since lightbox2 (by lokesh dakar) is initialized after document load by existent html
To add existing img tags to be lightboxified on their own (without gallery functionality) one could use something like:
.wrap(function(index) {
return '<a href="'+$(this).attr('src')+'" data-lightbox="image-'+index+'"></a>';
Just add it BEFORE inserting the lightbox.js
After a couple of hours spent on testing and reading the code, I came up with this magic code:
//set album values
IMG = $('<a href="...">')
.append('<img src="...">')
//lightbox open:
return false;
some helpful tips:
don't set data with $(...).data('lightbox','group')
, since lightbox uses the selector $('a[data-lightbox]')
each time a link is clicked. Instead, you should use $(...).attr('lightbox','group')
is a temporary variable which you don't need to deal with.