I\'m getting the same error in both quantmod and tinyquant for financials data. Can anyone see if this is reproducable? Is this a google finance server issue? None of the bel
I tweaked the scrapy_stocks function to accommodate the Yahoo page update. I haven't thoroughly vetted this solution, but it seems to work well in all my trials thus far. Please be aware of two things:
Try this:
scrapy_stocks2 <- function(stock){
if ("rvest" %in% installed.packages()) {
if ("xml2" %in% installed.packages()) {
for (stocknum in 1:length(stock)) {
# Income Statement
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[stocknum],"/financials?p=",stock[stocknum])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
nodes <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[4]//span')
yh_data <- nodes %>%
xml_text() %>%
gsub(pattern = ',', replacement = '')
colnums <- 1:6
col_nms <- yh_data[colnums]
yh_data <- yh_data[-colnums]
lab_inds <- nodes %>%
html_attr(name = 'class') == "Va(m)"
lab_inds[is.na(lab_inds)] <- FALSE
lab_inds <- lab_inds[-colnums]
data <- matrix(NA, nrow = sum(lab_inds), ncol = 5, dimnames = list(yh_data[lab_inds], col_nms[-1]))
row_num <- 1
for (i in 2:(length(lab_inds)-4)) {
t_ind <- !lab_inds[i:(i+4)]
if (sum(t_ind) == 5) {
data[row_num, 1:5] <- as.numeric(yh_data[i:(i+4)])
if (lab_inds[i]) {
row_num <- row_num+1
temp1 <- as.data.frame(data)
print(paste(stock[stocknum],' Income Statement Success'))
# Balance Sheet
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[stocknum],"/balance-sheet?p=",stock[stocknum])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
nodes <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]//span')
yh_data <- nodes %>%
xml_text() %>%
gsub(pattern = ',', replacement = '')
colnums <- 1:5
col_nms <- yh_data[colnums]
yh_data <- yh_data[-colnums]
lab_inds <- nodes %>%
html_attr(name = 'class') == "Va(m)"
lab_inds[is.na(lab_inds)] <- FALSE
lab_inds <- lab_inds[-colnums]
data <- matrix(NA, nrow = sum(lab_inds), ncol = 4, dimnames = list(yh_data[lab_inds], col_nms[-1]))
row_num <- 1
for (i in 2:(length(lab_inds)-3)) {
t_ind <- !lab_inds[i:(i+3)]
if (sum(t_ind) == 4) {
data[row_num, 1:4] <- as.numeric(yh_data[i:(i+3)])
if (lab_inds[i]) {
row_num <- row_num+1
temp2 <- as.data.frame(data)
print(paste(stock[stocknum],' Balance Sheet Success'))
# Cash Flow
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[stocknum],"/cash-flow?p=",stock[stocknum])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
nodes <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[4]/div[1]/div[1]//span')
yh_data <- nodes %>%
xml_text() %>%
gsub(pattern = ',', replacement = '')
colnums <- 1:6
col_nms <- yh_data[colnums]
yh_data <- yh_data[-colnums]
lab_inds <- nodes %>%
html_attr(name = 'class') == "Va(m)"
lab_inds[is.na(lab_inds)] <- FALSE
lab_inds <- lab_inds[-colnums]
data <- matrix(NA, nrow = sum(lab_inds), ncol = 5, dimnames = list(yh_data[lab_inds], col_nms[-1]))
row_num <- 1
for (i in 2:(length(lab_inds)-4)) {
t_ind <- !lab_inds[i:(i+4)]
if (sum(t_ind) == 5) {
data[row_num, 1:5] <- as.numeric(yh_data[i:(i+4)])
if (lab_inds[i]) {
row_num <- row_num+1
temp3 <- as.data.frame(data)
print(paste(stock[stocknum],' Cash Flow Statement Success'))
assign(paste0(stock[stocknum],'.f'),value = list(IS = temp1,BS = temp2,CF = temp3),envir = parent.frame())
error = function(cond){
message(stock[stocknum], "Give error ",cond)
Hi @Joe I faced the same problem, because google change its page, so I wrote a function to get data from Yahoo Finance. Its output is similar to getFin. I hope it can help you.
scrapy_stocks <- function(stock){
if ("rvest" %in% installed.packages()) {
for (i in 1:length(stock)) {
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[i],"/financials?p=",stock[i])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
p <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[3]/table')%>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
IS <- p[[1]]
colnames(IS) <- paste(IS[1,])
IS <- IS[-c(1,5,12,20,25),]
names_row <- paste(IS[,1])
IS <- IS[,-1]
IS <- apply(IS,2,function(x){gsub(",","",x)})
IS <- as.data.frame(apply(IS,2,as.numeric))
rownames(IS) <- paste(names_row)
temp1 <- IS
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[i],"/balance-sheet?p=",stock[i])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
p <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[3]/table')%>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
BS <- p[[1]]
colnames(BS) <- BS[1,]
BS <- BS[-c(1,2,17,28),]
names_row <- BS[,1]
BS <- BS[,-1]
BS <- apply(BS,2,function(x){gsub(",","",x)})
BS <- as.data.frame(apply(BS,2,as.numeric))
rownames(BS) <- paste(names_row)
temp2 <- BS
url <- "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/"
url <- paste0(url,stock[i],"/cash-flow?p=",stock[i])
wahis.session <- html_session(url)
p <- wahis.session %>%
html_nodes(xpath = '//*[@id="Col1-1-Financials-Proxy"]/section/div[3]/table')%>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
CF <- p[[1]]
colnames(CF) <- CF[1,]
CF <- CF[-c(1,3,11,16),]
names_row <- CF[,1]
CF <- CF[,-1]
CF <- apply(CF,2,function(x){gsub(",","",x)})
CF <- as.data.frame(apply(CF,2,as.numeric))
rownames(CF) <- paste(names_row)
temp3 <- CF
assign(paste0(stock[i],'.f'),value = list(IS = temp1,BS = temp2,CF = temp3),envir = parent.frame())
error = function(cond){
message(stock[i], "Give error ",cond)
You can call it as scrapy_stocks(c("AAPL","GOOGL"))
and access its data as AAPL.f$IS
or AAPL.f$CF
Yes I get the same issue for the past couple of days as well. I think it may have to do with a change on the part of Google Finance. The site is now different and url as well.