I encounter a problem with IE 10 regarding its support. The website is very good to use in other browser except IE.. I also tried using IE 11 and still it didn\'t work.
This can be caused by IE's compatibility mode. You can go under Compatibility View Settings and see if your sites domain is listed.
I think it's something else that is fails. http://caniuse.com/#feat=queryselector according to that the support should be there in IE10.
Make sure the IE is not using any compatability mode to view your site. Goto Settings > compatatibilty mode > make sure display intranet sites in compatability mode is NOT checked.
please see the IE9 equivalent of querySelectorAll and check the compatibility mode of your IE browser also.
IE Developer Tools [F12] was useful for me in diagnosing this (IE11):
To fix the issue, I ended up adding a meta
tag as described here. (I actually added it via the web.config as shown here).
This should solve the problem:
- Delete all History
- Clear Cookies
- Reset IE settings