How sequelize works?

前端 未结 3 1861
时光取名叫无心 2021-01-23 01:26

I\'m trying to understand how sequelize works on a simple example : User can have many posts and post can have only one user.

First question, I don\'t know if I have to

  • 2021-01-23 02:11

    You are right you have to manually set the foreign key relations.

    Here is official documentation link :

    You can try following code:

    var user_object = require('your_file_path');
    var post_object = require('your_file_path');
    user_object.hasMany(post_object, {
        foreignKey: 'user_id',
        sourceKey: 'user_id',
        onDelete: 'cascade',
    post_object.belongsTo(user_object, {
        foreignKey: 'user_id',
        sourceKey: 'user_id',
        onDelete: 'cascade',
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-23 02:13

    I am really just restrucuring your code.

    // Create One database config file

    var Sequelize=require('sequelize');
    var connection=new Sequelize('project','user','password',{
      .then(() => {    
        console.log("Connected to database");
      .catch(err => {
        //console.error("Can't connect to database :(\n", err);

    //Your User Schema File

    var database = require('your_file_path/DatabaseConnection').database;
    var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
    var Users = database.define('users', {
        username: {
            allowNull: false,
            type: Sequelize.STRING,
            unique: true
        password: {
            allowNull: false,
            type: Sequelize.STRING
        email: {
            allowNull: false,
            type: Sequelize.STRING,
            unique: true
    }, {
        underscored: true
    },hooks: {
        beforeCreate: (user, option) => {
            users.password = encrypto.encryptEntity(user.password);
            //for automatic encryption of password


        //id, updated_at , and modified_at will be maintained by default
        module.exports = {

    // your post file path

    var Posts = database.define('posts', {
        post_content: {
            allowNull: false,
            type: Sequelize.STRING,
            unique: true
    }, {
        underscored: true
    //importing User
    var Users = require('file_path')
    Users.hasMany(Posts, {
        foreignKey: 'user_id',
        sourceKey: 'user_id',
        onDelete: 'cascade',
    Posts.belongsTo(Users, {
        foreignKey: 'user_id',
        sourceKey: 'user_id',
        onDelete: 'cascade',
    // two way binding.

    BY maintaining Relation you can easily update data using setter and getter methods


    // above code will automatically put the user_id found in user_object

    //for select query you can use:

        include: [{
            model: Posts,
            attributes: ['post_content'],
            as: "Posts"
        }//this will bring every posts user has created

    I think above coding standard will make your code looks cleaner and will be more helpful for larger projects.

    Hope this helps.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-23 02:20

    For your version "sequelize": "^4.13.2":

    classMethods and instanceMethods are removed.


    const Model = sequelize.define('Model', {
    }, {
        classMethods: {
            associate: function (model) {...}
        instanceMethods: {
            someMethod: function () { ...}


    const Model = sequelize.define('Model', {
    // Class Method
    Model.associate = function (models) {
        ...associate the models
    // Instance Method
    Model.prototype.someMethod = function () {..}

    See official docs Upgrade to V4

    So for relations u should walkthrough this steps:

    1. Import models
    2. Call class "associate" method if exists
    3. Export


    // models/index.js
    import fs from 'fs';
    import path from 'path';
    import Sequelize from 'sequelize';
    import config from './config';
    const sequelize = new Sequelize(config.db.url, config.db.options);
    const DB = {};
    // Import models
      .filter(file => (file.indexOf('.') !== 0) && (file !== path.basename(__filename)) && (file.slice(-3) === '.js'))
      .forEach((file) => {
        const model = sequelize.import(path.join(__dirname, file));
        DB[] = model;
    // Here u should call class method for associations
    Object.keys(DB).forEach((modelName) => {
      if ('associate' in DB[modelName]) {
    DB.sequelize = sequelize;
    DB.Sequelize = Sequelize;
    export default DB;

    All relations u can put in your models.


    // models/user.js
    export default (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
      const User = sequelize.define(
        // Fields
          id: {
            type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
            primaryKey: true,
            autoIncrement: true,
          // etc ...
        // Options
          timestamps: false, // <-- turn off timestamps
          underscored: true, // <-- this option for naming with underscore. example: createdAt -> created_at
          validate: {},
          indexes: [],
      User.associate = (models) => {
        User.hasMany(, { 
          // ... 
        User.hasMany(models.comment, { 
          // ... 
        // OR
        models.user.hasMany(, {
          // ...
      return User;


    // models/post.js
    export default (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
      const Post = sequelize.define(
        // Fields
          // ...
        // Options
          // ...
      Post.associate = (models) => {
        Post.belongsTo(models.user, { 
          // ... 
        // OR, {
          // ...
      return Post;

    Do I also have to specify that the username, email can't be null and must be unique here in the model?

    Yes u should define all things in your models, such as keys, relations, whatever. Because your app use models for actions with database.

    And how do I have to add the foreign key ? In one tutorial, they said me that the database add automaticly the foreign key but I don't think it works if I use the migrations, I have to set it manualy no?

    Actually u cant define composite keys in migrations that creates the table and fields.

    Best practise for migrations should be like this:

    1. 000000_create_users_table
    2. 000001_add_foreign_keys_to_users_table
    3. 000002_add_new_field_to_users_table
    4. etc...

    So u should add all things manually in migrations.

    For adding indexes in migrations you should use queryInterface.addIndex

    module.exports = {
      up: queryInterface => queryInterface.addIndex(
          unique: true,
          fields: ['username', 'email'],
    // if u want to rename u can use:
    //    name: 'whatever'
    // by convention default name will be: table_field1_fieldN
      down: queryInterface => queryInterface.removeIndex(
        'users_username_email', // <-- this name by convention, but u can rename it

    For "keys" you should use queryInterface.addConstraint

    Primary Key

    queryInterface.addConstraint('Users', ['username'], {
       type: 'primary key',
       name: 'custom_primary_constraint_name'

    Foreign Key

    queryInterface.addConstraint('Posts', ['username'], {
      type: 'FOREIGN KEY',
      name: 'custom_fkey_constraint_name',
      references: { //Required field
        table: 'target_table_name',
        field: 'target_column_name'
      onDelete: 'cascade',
      onUpdate: 'cascade'

    Check all API References

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