Technically speaking it's possible using reflection. You could for example catch runtime class of type T using ClassTag
then find proper constructor and create instance:
def createObject[T](fieldValues: Seq[Any])(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = {
//we lookup for matching constructor using arguments count, you might also consider checking types
ct.runtimeClass.getConstructors.find(_.getParameterCount == fieldValues.size)
.flatMap {constructor =>
Try(constructor.newInstance(fieldValues: _*).asInstanceOf[T]).toOption
createObject[Person](Seq("Bob", 20)) //Some(Person("Bob", 20))
createObject[Person](Seq(20, 10)) //None
In case there's no constructor matching parameters, that function fails returning None
It should work, but it'd be best if you can avoid this approach because you lose all type safety.