I have been struggling with this for a few days. I need somebody to steer me in the right direction. I have been searching on the web. I am not sure if I took the right approach
Using jQuery lettering plugin
<p class="word_split">if you were not there, else I would not have won.<p>
$('.word_split').mouseover(function(event) {
var word=event.target.innerHTML;
if (word == "else")
here's a demo: jsFiddle
I would do something like this:
It will go through and find all else
words, and wrap them in a span with a listener bound:
<p id="hello">What else would you say?</p>
var hello = document.getElementById('hello');
var str = hello.innerHTML;
str = str.replace( /\b(else)\b/g, '<span onmouseover="func1()">$1</span>' );
hello.innerHTML = str;
function func1() {
Check out the fiddle.