All,I knew we can set a column editable for a DataGridView
And when finish editing the cell. the CellEndEdit
event would be triggered.
But I just want
Before BeginEdit
. Set a variable to identify if current state is edit mode.
bBeginEdit = true;
In the Form_Click event
if (bBeginEdit)
bBeginEdit = false;
CellEndEdit() causes the event to be fired only if the cell was in edit mode (see's response). You can simply preceed CellEndEdit() with CellBeginEdit() to enter Edit mode (code from CellContentClick-handler, PickNewFont() is a wrapper for the FontDialog):
else if (String.Compare(rowName, "Font name") == 0) // user clicks on Font-row
Font newFont = PickNewFont(fontName, fontSize, fontStyle);
dgvConfigSettings.CurrentCell.Tag = newFont; // a bit dirty.... but that way we can pick-up the font in the panel-handler more easily
dgvConfigSettings.CurrentCell.Value = newFont.Name.ToString();
Try using the HitTest function in the MouseDown event of the grid:
void dgvFileList_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
DataGridView.HitTestInfo hit = dgvFileList.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
if (hit.RowIndex < 0 | hit.ColumnIndex < 0) {
Clicking outside the DataGridView control would require hitting a focusable control.