How to replace first n1 and last n2 rows with NA in specific columns

前端 未结 1 1523
北恋 2021-01-22 20:12

Given the following example:

mat <- data.table(x = c(1:10), y = c(11:20), z = c(21:30))

cut.head <- c(0, 2, 1) 
cut.tail <- c(3, 1,         

  • 2021-01-22 21:04

    I'd just use a for loop with := (or set()) so it's fast and (fairly) easy to read.

    > for (i in 1:3) mat[seq_len(cut.head[i]), (i):=NA]
    > mat
         x  y  z
     1:  1 NA NA
     2:  2 NA 22
     3:  3 13 23
     4:  4 14 24
     5:  5 15 25
     6:  6 16 26
     7:  7 17 27
     8:  8 18 28
     9:  9 19 29
    10: 10 20 30

    Notice that the LHS of := accepts column numbers as well as names. As an aside, this is valid :

    DT[, 2:=2]   # assign 2 to column 2

    Wrapping the LHS of := with parenthesis, (i):=NA, tells it to use the variable's value rather than its name.

    For the tail I first tried the following but .N isn't available in i. I've added that as a feature request, FR#724.
    UPDATE: Now added to v1.9.3 on 11 Jul 2014

    for (i in 1:3) mat[.N+1-seq_len(cut.tail[i]), (i):=NA]
    # .N now works in i
    > mat
         x  y  z
     1:  1 NA NA
     2:  2 NA 22
     3:  3 13 23
     4:  4 14 24
     5:  5 15 25
     6:  6 16 26
     7:  7 17 27
     8: NA 18 28
     9: NA 19 NA
    10: NA NA NA

    We no longer have to live with a repetition of the symbol mat :

    > for (i in 1:3) mat[nrow(mat)+1-seq_len(cut.tail[i]), (i):=NA]
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