I\'m trying to get my application launched by clicking on a link in the Calendar\'s notes section, but I just can\'t do it ...
The URL schemes for http:// and <
I keep forgetting to open my Science News E-Zine and there's no other 'reminder'... so:
In CALENDAR I created a monthly-repeating event called: ScienceNewsOpen and it's ‘Alert’ is ‘Open File: SCIENCE NEWS OPENER.APP’
In AUTOMATOR I created that application which began as a Calendar Event but was saved as an app:
FIND CALENDAR EVENTS where ALL is true, "Date Starting" is "Today" and "Any Content" contains Science News.
GET SPECIFIED URLs, "Remove" the existing default Apple.com, "Add" ScienceNews.org
DISPLAY WEBPAGES: The Science News Website opens in my default browser (FFox) in its own tab, i.e., not a new window once a month - but it can open any URL you put in the Application at any time you want to program into the Calendar.
Ok, found it myself ...
Apparently it is not enough to just write
but it has to be
in order for the calendar to recognize it as a custom URL scheme. Safari also accepts the version without text after the two slashes.
One never learns enough ...