PROLOG Print numbers that end in 7 and the sum of its digits is greater than 100

前端 未结 2 478
滥情空心 2021-01-22 19:45

I need to make a predicate that receives a numeric list and print only the numbers that end in 7 and that the sum of its digits is greater than 100

I made the predicates

  • 2021-01-22 19:57

    Use clpfd!

    :- use_module(library(clpfd)).

    We do it like this:

    n_base10(N, Ds) :-
       n_base_digits(N, 10, Ds).
    n_base_digits(Expr, Base, Ds) :-
       Base #> 1,
       Ds = [_|_],
       N #=  Expr,
       N #>= 0,                                   % N is non-negative
       n_base_ref_acc_digits(N, Base, Ds, [], Ds).
    n_base_ref_acc_digits(N, Base, Ref, Ds0, Ds) :-
       zcompare(Order, N, Base),
       order_n_base_ref_acc_digits(Order, N, Base, Ref, Ds0, Ds).
    order_n_base_ref_acc_digits(<, N,    _, [_]   , Ds0,   [N|Ds0]).
    order_n_base_ref_acc_digits(=, _,    _, [_,_] , Ds0, [1,0|Ds0]).
    order_n_base_ref_acc_digits(>, N, Base, [_|Rs], Ds0, Ds) :-
       N0 #= N //  Base,
       N1 #= N mod Base,
       n_base_ref_acc_digits(N0, Base, Rs, [N1|Ds0], Ds).

    Some simple queries1:

    ?- n_base10(_, []).
    ?- X #< 0, n_base10(X, Ds).
    ?- n_base10(123, [1,2,3]).
    ?- n_base10(123, Ds).
    Ds = [1,2,3].
    ?- n_base10(N, [1,7,9]).
      N = 179
    ; false.
    ?- n_base10(459183754813957135135239458256, Ds).
    Ds = [4,5,9,1,8,3,7,5,4,8,1,3,9,5,7,1,3,5,1,3,5,2,3,9,4,5,8,2,5,6].

    How about using bases other than 10?

    ?- member(Base,[2,8,10,16,36]), n_base_digits(N,Base,[1,2,3,4]).
      Base =  8, N =   668
    ; Base = 10, N =  1234
    ; Base = 16, N =  4660
    ; Base = 36, N = 49360
    ; false.
    ?- member(Base,[2,8,10,16,36]), n_base_digits(101,Base,Ds).
      Base =  2, Ds = [1,1,0,0,1,0,1]
    ; Base =  8, Ds =         [1,4,5]
    ; Base = 10, Ds =         [1,0,1]
    ; Base = 16, Ds =           [6,5]
    ; Base = 36, Ds =           [2,29].

    OK! Works as expected.

    Let's find integers with digit sum greater than 100 and 7 as the least significant decimal digit!

    ?- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_anon, false).
    ?- _S #> 100,
       n_base10(N, _Ds),
       lists:last(_Ds, 7),
       clpfd:sum(_Ds, #=, _S),
       clpfd:labeling([ff,min(N)], _Ds).
      N = 499999999997
    ; N = 589999999997
    ; N = 598999999997 

    Now, on to the "filtering" part of your question... it's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

    First, we define (@)/2 based on (@)/1 . It fits the reification scheme (of if_/3, (=)/3, etc.) which already has been used in a lot of logically-pure Prolog answers on StackOverflow.

    @(G_0, T) :- @var(T), @G_0, T = true.

    Second, we define reified versions of the clpfd predicates (#=)/2 and (#>)/2.

    #=(X, Y, T) :- X #= Y #<==> B, bool01_t(B, T).
    #>(X, Y, T) :- X #> Y #<==> B, bool01_t(B, T).

    Last, using Prolog lambdas, tfilter/3 and ','/3, we inquire:

    ?- use_module(library(lambda)).
    ?- Zs0 = [                              /* Es: list of sample integers */
                 499999999997,              /*     (digit sum = 101)       */
                9899999999970,              /*     (digit sum = 105)       */
              516666669999997,              /*     (digit sum = 103)       */
                      5000007,              /*     (digit sum =  12)       */
                 598999999997               /*     (digit sum = 101)       */
       tfilter(\N^(                         /* N:  candidate integer       */
                   @n_base10(N, Ds),        /* Ds: base-10 representation  */
                   @lists:last(Ds, D1),     /* D1: least significant digit */
                   D1 #= 7,                 /* D1:              equal to 7 */
                   @clpfd:sum(Ds, #=, S),   /* S:  digit sum               */
                   S #> 100                 /* S:         greater than 100 */
    Zs0 = [499999999997,9899999999970,516666669999997,5000007,598999999997],
    Zs  = [499999999997,              516666669999997,        598999999997].

    Works like a charm!

    Footnote 1: Using SWI-Prolog version 7.3.10 (64-bit AMD64)

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  • 2021-01-22 20:09

    This works for me:

    ?- filter([147, 24, 57, 17, 3667], X), write(X), nl, fail.
    sumdigits(0, 0).
    sumdigits(X, Z) :-
        X > 0,
        Z1 is X mod 10, 
        X2 is X // 10,
        sumdigits(X2, Z2), 
        Z is Z1 + Z2.
    filter([], []).
    filter([H|X], [H|Y]) :-
        sumdigits(H, D),
        D > 10,
        7 is H mod 10, !,
        filter(X, Y).
    filter([_|X], Y) :- filter(X, Y).

    I get:

    [147, 57, 3667]

    I assumed you meant that the sum of the digits was greater than 10, rather than 100.

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