I want to redirect to an other jsp page in a liferay portlet from js. The idea that I found is using a renderurl. The best code that I found that can help me as a first step is
Liferay needs to know the target portlet for any request parameter that you add to an URL - otherwise it ignores any unknown parameter. The ID of the target portlet is either defined as p_p_id
or it is a prefix of the parameter (in which case you can define parameters for more than one portlet in one URL).
So in your case you will have to set renderUrl1.setPortletId('...your portlet id');
to let your portlet see mvcPath
and param
In addition the mvcPath
must be absolute (start with a /
) and below the configured templatePath
(defaults to /
Try this:
In your JSP ->
<portlet:renderURL var="myRenderURL">
<portlet:param name="jspName" value="display.jsp" />
<aui:a href="#" cssClass="myLink" label="Click me" />
A.one('.myLink').on('click', function () {
window.location.href = '${myRenderURL}';
Then in your java portlet class ->
public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
throws IOException, PortletException {
String jspName = ParamUtil.getString("jspName", "view.jsp");
include("path/to/your/jsp/" + jspName, request, response);
One last note: Starting with Liferay 6.2, portlet urls created with javascript methods mentioned in the OP above will
Also see the Liferay Documentation on this.