I would like to have my WPF Listbox, which is databound, generate subclassed ListboxItems instead of the regular ListboxItems. In this case, a DataTemplate is not sufficient bec
You need to create your own subclass of ListBox so you can override the method which creates the container, e.g.
public class MyListBox : ListBox
public MyListBox()
// Should get the default style & template since styles are not inherited
Style = FindResource(typeof(ListBox)) as Style;
protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride()
var container = new MyListBoxItem();
return container;
public class MyListBoxItem : ListBoxItem
public MyListBoxItem()
Style = FindResource(typeof(ListBoxItem)) as Style;
// To easily see that these are custom ListBoxItems:
// TextElement.SetForeground(this, Brushes.Red);
// ...