My classes are as follows, with Customer inheriting from User using the single-table inheritance approach. User has attributes name and email while Order has destination.
<It seems you have no inverse associations and Rails fails to resolve the order's customer when updating the cached counters. Try this:
class Customer < User
has_many :orders, inverse_of: :customer
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :customer, inverse_of: :orders
for delete_all
for example
Post.delete_all("person_id = 5 AND (category = 'Something' OR category = 'Else')")
Post.delete_all(["person_id = ? AND (category = ? OR category = ?)", 5, 'Something', 'Else'])
for destroy_all
for example
Person.destroy_all("last_login < '2004-04-04'")
Person.destroy_all(:status => "inactive")
I guess you were right about the problem about the ruby version. I found this question.
The guy had a similar problem and he fixed it by switching his ruby version from ruby-2.2.0 to ruby-2.1.1.
If it's not the ruby version, it could be the ActiveRecord Version.
This is the Rails issue with Ruby 2.2.2: . It's closed and fixed in 3.2.22).
Try updating you Customer class association with
has_many :orders, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :orders, :dependent => :delete_all
Depending on what you want to achieve.
causes all the associated objects to also be destroyed.
causes all the associated objects to be deleted directly from the database without executing callbacks.