I have a Xamarin.IOS application and try to localize some images. As a guideline I took this article: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/localization_and_
So as I pointed out in the comments, you should put fallback resources into the Base.lproj
As for your issue with InfoPlist.strings
, keep in mind that they are applied only for strings in your Info.plist
, so that is when you are asking for permissions etc. This could look as follows for da.lproj
"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription" = "Vil du tillade App'en til at bruge din lokation?";
"NSCalendarsUsageDescription" = "Ost";
and so on.
As for other strings, such as OK, Cancel and other buttons, you will need to add a Localizable.strings
file for each folder with contents like:
"Back" = "Tilbage";
"Done" = "Færdig";
"Cancel" = "Anuller";