I\'m playing around with WebWorkers. Somehow I had the idea to let the different instances of a page know when another one is closed. Therefore I wrote a Shared Worker and it wo
You can't create a shared worker object in the dedicated worker. However, you can create a shared worker in the main UI thread and pass its port to the dedicated worker, so they can communicate directly.
As an example, in main thread create both workers, and transfer the port
object of the shared to the dedicated:
var sharedWorker = new SharedWorker("worker-shared.js");
var dedicatedWorker = new Worker("worker-dedicated.js");
dedicatedWorker.postMessage({sharedWorkerPort: sharedWorker.port}, [sharedWorker.port]);
In the shared worker you can post messages on this port:
self.onconnect = function(e) {
var port = e.ports[0];
self.setInterval(function() {
port.postMessage('sent from shared worker');
}, 1000);
And in the dedicated you can react to them
self.onmessage = function(e) {
var sharedWorkerPort = e.data.sharedWorkerPort;
sharedWorkerPort.onmessage = function(e) {
console.log('received in dedicated worker', e.data);
You can see this working at http://plnkr.co/edit/ljWnL7iMiCMtL92lPIAm?p=preview