I have two matrices of the same size. I would like to calculate the correlation coefficient between each pair of rows in these matrices; row 1 from A with row 1 B, row 2 from A
You could create vectorized functions that will calculate covariance and SD for you such as,
RowSD <- function(x) {
sqrt(rowSums((x - rowMeans(x))^2)/(dim(x)[2] - 1))
VecCov <- function(x, y){
rowSums((x - rowMeans(x))*(y - rowMeans(y)))/(dim(x)[2] - 1)
Then, simply do
VecCov(A, B)/(RowSD(A) * RowSD(B))
This should be fast:
cA <- A - rowMeans(A)
cB <- B - rowMeans(B)
sA <- sqrt(rowMeans(cA^2))
sB <- sqrt(rowMeans(cB^2))
rowMeans(cA * cB) / (sA * sB)