I have a string as below (the letters in the example could be numbers or texts and could be either uppercase or lowercase or both. If a value is a sentence, it should be between
You can do the job using preg_match_all
$string="a,b,c,(d,e,f),g,'h, i j.',k";
preg_match_all('~\'[^\']++\'|\([^)]++\)|[^,]++~', $string,$result);
The trick is to match parenthesis before the ,
~ Pattern delimiter
[^'] All charaters but not a single quote
++ one or more time in [possessive][1] mode
| or
\([^)]++\) the same with parenthesis
| or
[^,] All characters but not a comma
if you have more than one delimiter like quotes (that are the same for open and close), you can write your pattern like this, using a capture group:
$string="a,b,c,(d,e,f),g,'h, i j.',k,°l,m°,#o,p#,@q,r@,s";
preg_match_all('~([\'#@°]).*?\1|\([^)]++\)|[^,]++~', $string,$result);
(['#@°]) one character in the class is captured in group 1
.*? any character zero or more time in lazy mode
\1 group 1 content
With nested parenthesis:
$string="a,b,(c,(d,(e),f),t),g,'h, i j.',k,°l,m°,#o,p#,@q,r@,s";
preg_match_all('~([\'#@°]).*?\1|(\((?>[^()]++|(?-1)?)*\))|[^,]++~', $string,$result);