I have SQL query with condition currency in ?
and I\'m using vertx JDBC client queryWithparams
method, which receives query parameters in JsonArray.
The short answer is that you can't add a List as a query parameter with the generic Vertx JDBC client, but since you're using Postgres there is a Postgres-specific library called vertx-pg-client that you can use. I implemented roughly the same query as you did with this code:
List<String> currencies = whatever();
String uri = "your-uri";
String query = "select from table where currency = any($1)";
PgConnection.connect(vertx, uri, connectionResult -> {
if (connectionResult.failed()) {
// handle
} else {
PgConnection connection = connectionResult.result();
Tuple params = Tuple.of(currencies);
doQuery(query, connection, params).setHandler(queryResult -> {
private Future<String> doQuery(String sql, PgConnection connection, Tuple params) {
Promise<String> promise = Promise.promise();
connection.preparedQuery(sql, params, res -> {
if (res.failed()) {
// log
} else {
RowSet<Row> rowSet = res.result();
// do something with the rows and construct a return object (here, a string)
String result = something;
return promise.future();
All credit goes to @tsegismont who helped me with the same question here.
There are two options.
If you want to support multiple databases, you'll have to expand your expression yourself:
"... currency IN (" + String.join(",", Collections.nCopies(currencies.size(), "?")) + ")"
If you support only PostreSQL, you can use ANY
operator instead:
WHERE currency = ANY(?)