I load a ressource file json with the text format
\"sources\": [{
\"prop1\": \"1\",
\"prop2\": \"2\"
First thing: Your JSON is invalid. There is a comma after the second object in the sources
array. This has to be deleted.
Second: I think you didn't choose the right type for your result. What your JSON represents is a map which maps from string to an array of objects. So the type should be something like Map<String, Props[]>
(Since you didn't provide the name of your class, I called it Props
With these considerations you can construct a MapType
by using ObjectMapper
s getTypeFactory()
method and deserialize the value using the constructed type like shown below.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
TypeFactory typeFactory = mapper.getTypeFactory();
MapType mapType = typeFactory.constructMapType(HashMap.class, String.class, Props[].class);
Map<String, Props[]> map = mapper.readValue(s, mapType);
I actually voted for the other answer, but this is my idea, to create the classes and let jackson do the work :
public class ResourceTest {
public void test1() throws IOException {
Resource resource = new Resource();
resource.getRedirectrions().add(makeRedirectrion("rprop11", "rprop12"));
resource.getRedirectrions().add(makeRedirectrion("rprop21", "rprop22"));
String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(resource);
Resource resource1 = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, Resource.class);
private Source makeSource(String prop1, String prop2) {
Source source = new Source();
return source;
private Redirectrion makeRedirectrion(String prop1, String prop2) {
Redirectrion redirectrion = new Redirectrion();
return redirectrion;
Output is:
Resource{sources=[Source{prop1='sprop11', prop2='sprop12'}, Source{prop1='sprop21', prop2='sprop22'}], redirectrions=[Source{prop1='rprop11', prop2='rprop12'}, Source{prop1='rprop21', prop2='rprop22'}]}
In your case, I would write a custom JsonDeserializer
. Haven't really tested the code, but I think the idea is clear:
final MyClassDeserializer myClassDeserializer = new MyClassDeserializer();
final SimpleModule deserializerModule = new SimpleModule();
deserializerModule.addDeserializer(MyClass.class, myClassDeserializer);
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
And the code for JsonDeserializer
public class MyClassDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<MyClass> {
public MyClass deserialize(final JsonParser jsonParser, final DeserializationContext context)
throws IOException {
final JsonNode node = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser);
final JsonNode sourcesNode = node.get("sources");
if(node.isArray()) {
final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node;
final Iterable<JsonNode> nodes = arrayNode::elements;
final Set<Source> set = StreamSupport.stream(nodes.spliterator(), false)