I\'m basically trying to write a basic converter in visual studio 2008, and I have 2 text boxes, one which gets input from the user, and one which gives output with the result.
Fixing it for you,
String^ i1 = textBox1->Text;
float rez = (float)(Convert::ToDouble(i1)*4.35);
textBox2->Text = rez.ToString();
Basically, you want to convert your string to an actual number, do the math, and then make it back into a string for displaying purposes.
You're trying to multiply a string by a double and there is no operator that defines how to do that. You need to convert your string to a double first, and then use that in the calculation.
Then, you're trying to assign a string to a float, which again is nonsense.. You need to calculate the float, then convert it to a string when assigning it to the textbox text field.
Something like:
String^ i1 = textBox1->Text;
float rez = (Convert::ToDouble(i1)*4.35);
textBox2->Text = rez.ToString();