my %opts = ();
Getopt::Long just extracts the options. It's up to you to validate the value of those options and the non-option arguments (which are left in @ARGV
Specifically, if you want to make sure that only options have been passed, then you can use
@ARGV == 0
or die("usage\n");
What I use:
use Getopt::Long qw( );
my ( $opt_opt1, $opt_opt2, $opt_opt3 );
sub parse_args {
( $opt_opt1, $opt_opt2, $opt_opt3 ) = ();
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw( posix_default ));
'help|h|?' => \&help,
'opt1=s' => \$opt_opt1,
'opt2=s' => \$opt_opt2,
'opt3' => \$opt_opt3,
or usage();
# Validate $opt_* here if necessary.
or usage("Too many arguments.");
return @ARGV;
sub main {
# my () = @_; # This program doesn't accept non-option args.
use File::Basename qw( basename );
sub help {
my $prog = basename($0);
$prog [options]
$prog --help
--opt1 FOO
--opt2 BAR
sub usage {
if (@_) {
my ($msg) = @_;
say STDERR $msg;
my $prog = basename($0);
say STDERR "Try '$prog --help' for more information.";
Getopt::Long operates only on options: arguments starting with hyphens. Without passthrough (no_pass_through is the default) it will remove them from @ARGV, leaving any non-option arguments for you to handle. If you expected no non-option arguments, you could determine that options were passed incorrectly if any arguments remain after calling GetOptions
die "Usage: $0 [--opt1=string] [--opt2=string] [--opt3]\n" if @ARGV;
The return value of GetOptions
is also useful, as it will indicate whether any unrecognized or invalid options were found.
GetOptions(...) or die "Usage: $0 ...\n";
Options are denoted with a leading dash (hyphen); arguments are not.
You might find Getopt::Long Argument-callback useful:
A special option 'name' <> can be used to designate a subroutine to handle non-option arguments. When GetOptions() encounters an argument that does not look like an option, it will immediately call this subroutine and passes it one parameter: the argument name.