I\'m trying to implement an upvote/downvote mechanism for comments (similar to the upvoting/downvoting mechanism found on reddit). I have a separate collection called comm
you can do it with the following pipeline update but it requires that the upvotes and downvotes arrays exist. even if it's just empty.
var comment_id = ObjectId("5e5983102328a83d1a4b541f");
var user_id = ObjectId("5e5983102328a83d1a4b53e5");
commentId: comment_id
$set: {
upvotes: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [user_id, '$upvotes'] },
{ $setDifference: ['$upvotes', [user_id]] },
{ $setUnion: ['$upvotes', [user_id]] }
$set: {
downvotes: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [user_id, '$downvotes'] },
{ $setDifference: ['$downvotes', [user_id]] },