I\'m trying to setup new text into a text field using Watir. The text field is placed inside iframe.
The working solution is:
browser.frame(:index => 1).text_field(:index => 0).set "admin"
Now I'm trying to understand why :)
@browser.text_field(:id => "IDUserId").set "TEXT"
@browser.text_field(:name => "IDUserId").set "TEXT"
@browser.text_field(:class => "sws_text_input").set "TEXT"
Those will all work for a this text field as long as it is not contained in a frame, at which point you will need to identify it.
You only want to use Xpath as a last result, as it is fragile and complicated. I'm not even sure if CSS works as I've never tried it.
Please check out Željko's WATIR book or www.watir.com for basic locator methods.
Another working solution browser.frame(:id => "iFrameID").text_field(:id => /TextField/).set "data"
Maybe watir has been updated since these answers were posted, but none of these frame
methods worked for me. I was able to successfully use the iframe
method, and interact with that just like any other object. Once the iframe object was selected, I could call on DOM elements after the iframe call successfully. Was only able to select the iframe object using its 'id' tag even though it had a 'name' attribute as well..
browser.text_field(:id => "handle").exists?
#=> false
browser.iframe(:id => "secureform").text_field(:id => "handle").exists?
#=> true