I\'m trying to find a solution why my code doesn\'t work properly. I used solution from Recording synthesized text-to-speech to a file in Python, and it kinda didnt worked out f
Just in case somebody is wondering how to do this on linux instead of windows:
os.system("espeak \"example text to speech\" --stdout > myfile.wav")
Assuming you are using Python on a win os, you will need to specify the full path to the subprocess, and of course the full output file path eg;
espeak_path = "C:/Program Files/eSpeak/command_line/espeak.exe"
file_name = "C:/temp/test"
subprocess.call([espeak_path,"-w"+file_name+".wav", text])
from gtts import gTTS
import os
tts = gTTS(text='hi how r u', lang='en')
os.system("mpg321 good.wav")
this code will output will be saved in ur python folder where u installed. for various audio format just change extension file.