I am trying to sort my array of objects .Objects have date property.I need to sort my array in ascending or descending dates .I try like this
The function works fine if you are expecting all dates. Looking at your data there are some invalid dates like "-"
If you can't modify the data or expect a definite date always then you need to mod your function to do something like this (or handle it in some way to your liking)
function sort_by(field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function (x) {
return primer(x[field])
} :
function (x) {
return x[field]
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
return function (a, b) {
a = new Date(key(a))=='Invalid Date'?0:new Date(key(a));
b = new Date(key(b))=='Invalid Date'?0:new Date(key(b));
return reverse * (a-b);
All props to @void for his answer. I just updated since there was a duplicate question raised for this and I don't have rep to comment on the question or on @void's answer on this post
Your function is pretty messed up, try
function sort_by(field, reverse, primer) {
var key = primer ?
function (x) {
return primer(x[field])
} :
function (x) {
return x[field]
reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;
return function (a, b) {
a = new Date(key(a)), b = new Date(key(b));
return reverse * (a-b);
You need to convert date strings to date to sort and also you need to change your return code.
Working fiddle