This is the code I\'m trying to develop:
Public Structure Statistic(Of t)
Dim maxStat As t
Dim curStat As t
Public Sub New(ByVal pValu
Here you go... this should work.
Public Structure Statistic(Of t As {IComparable})
Dim maxStat As t
Dim curStat As t
Public Sub New(ByVal pValue As t)
maxStat = pValue
curStat = pValue
End Sub
Public Property Level() As t
Return curStat
End Get
Set(ByVal value As t)
curStat = value
If curStat.CompareTo(maxStat) > 0 Then curStat = maxStat
End Set
End Property
End Structure
Also, you mentioned constraining to numerics, but I don't think you can constrain to just that. You can however constrain to just primitive types (on the stack) and not allow objects (on the heap) by doing this: Public Structure Statistic(Of t As {Structure, IComparable})
You could constrain T to IComparable. That way you know that curStat and maxStat both have a CompareTo method you can use to determine if one is greater than the other.