I\'d like to merge two dataframes, df1 & df2, based on whether rows of df2 fall within a 3-6 month date range after rows of df1. For example:
df1 (for each company I
This is actually one of those rare questions where the algorithmic complexity might be significantly different for different solutions. You might want to consider this over the niftiness of 1-liner snippets.
sort the larger of the dataframes according to the date
for each date in the smaller dataframe, use the bisect module to find the relevant rows in the larger dataframe
For dataframes with lengths m and n, respectively (m < n) the complexity should be O(m log(n)).
This is my solution going off of the algorithm that Ami Tavory suggested below:
#find the date offsets to define date ranges
start_time = df1.DATADATE.apply(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(3))
end_time = df1.DATADATE.apply(pd.offsets.MonthEnd(6))
#make these extra columns
df1['start_time'] = start_time
df1['end_time'] = end_time
#find unique company names in both dfs
unique_companies_df1 = df1.company.unique()
unique_companies_df2 = df2.company.unique()
#sort df1 by company and DATADATE, so we can iterate in a sensible order
#define empty df to append data
df3 = pd.DataFrame()
#iterate through each company in df1, find
#that company in sorted df2, then for each
#DATADATE quarter of df1, bisect df2 in the
#correct locations (i.e. start_time to end_time)
for cmpny in unique_companies_df1:
if cmpny in unique_companies_df2: #if this company is in both dfs, take the relevant rows that are associated with this company
selected_df2 = df2[df2.company==cmpny].sort('EventDate').reset_index(drop=True)
selected_df1 = sorted_df1[sorted_df1.company==cmpny].reset_index(drop=True)
for quarter in xrange(len(selected_df1.DATADATE)): #iterate through each DATADATE quarter in df1
lo=bisect.bisect_right(selected_df2.EventDate,selected_CS.start_time[quarter]) #bisect_right to ensure that we do not include dates before our date range
hi=bisect.bisect_left(selected_IT.EventDate,selected_CS.end_time[quarter]) #bisect_left here to not include dates after our desired date range
df_right = selected_df2.loc[lo:hi].copy() #grab all rows with EventDates that fall within our date range
df_left = pd.DataFrame(selected_df1.loc[quarter]).transpose()
if len(df_right)==0: # if no EventDates fall within range, create a row with cmpny in the 'company' column, and a NaT in the EventDate column to merge
temp = pd.merge(df_left,df_right,how='inner',on='company') #merge the df1 company quarter with all df2's rows that fell within date range