I am trying to arrange two pie charts in a single row using the subplot
function from the plotly package but the resultant plot is not what I expect. I was able to
There is new improved subplot
functionality coming in the development version of plotly
, but it appears the "bug" persists. I am not sure though how well it works with pie charts. I filed an issue on Github.
# devtools::install_github('ropensci/plotly")
ds_r <- data.frame(labels1 = c("Baseline", "DTC", "Detailing", "Flex"),
values1 = c(63.5, 8.5, 20.6, 7.4))
ds_l <- data.frame(labels2 = c("Baseline"),
values2 = c(100))
p <- plot_ly(ds_r, labels = ~labels1, values = ~values1, type = "pie",
showlegend = F)
p2 <- plot_ly(ds_l,labels = ~labels2, values = ~values2, type = "pie",
showlegend = F)
subplot(p, p2, nrows = 1)
For more detail on subplot
, see the subplot vignette.
ds_r <- data.frame(labels1 = c("Baseline", "DTC", "Detailing", "Flex"),
values1 = c(63.5, 8.5, 20.6, 7.4))
ds_l <- data.frame(labels2 = c("Baseline"),
values2 = c(100))
df <- cbind(ds_r, ds_l)
plot_ly(df, labels = labels1, values = values1, type = "pie",
domain = list(x = c(0, 0.4)), showlegend = F) %>%
add_trace(labels = labels2, values = values2, type = "pie",
domain = list(x = c(0.6, 1)), showlegend = F)
I would add the picture, but plotlies are generally large files.