Here is a possible solution that results in cleaner plotting code, more in the spirit of how ggplot2 is designed. The price is that your data needs to be rearranged a bit. I've also used some additional code to dynamically generate a named character vector of color values. Thanks to @John Colby for gg_color_hue()
The data are now in 'long-form', with all x-values and y-values in two columns. Additionally, there are two grouping factors, to separate the semantics of drawing the lines versus coloring the lines and points:
col_group line_group date total
Mary Adjuster 2012-01-01 10
Mary Adjuster 2012-02-01 15
Bob Adjuster 2012-03-01 25
Bob Adjuster 2012-04-01 15
Mary Adjuster 2012-05-01 20
Paid Paid 2012-01-01 5
Paid Paid 2012-02-01 5
Paid Paid 2012-03-01 10
Paid Paid 2012-04-01 10
Paid Paid 2012-05-01 15
dat <- data.frame(col_group=c("Mary","Mary","Bob", "Bob", "Mary",
5, 5, 10,10,15))
# Color generating function found here:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559/emulate-ggplot2-default-color-palette
gg_color_hue <- function(n) {
hues = seq(15, 375, length=n+1)
hcl(h=hues, l=65, c=100)[1:n]
# Dynamically generate default color values, but have Paid="black".
adj_names = sort(setdiff(unique(dat$col_group), "Paid"))
values = gg_color_hue(length(adj_names))
names(values) = adj_names
values = c(values, c(Paid="black"))
plot1 <- ggplot(dat, aes(x=date, y=total, colour=col_group)) +
geom_line(aes(group=line_group), size=1.2) +
geom_point(size=2.8) +
ggsave("plot1.png", plot=plot1, width=6, height=4.5, dpi=120)
This way Paid column is added as a separate layer, but that means it's not in the legend. I don't get why the column Paid would go in a legend with different levels of adjuster anyway. Why is that?
df <- data.frame(adjuster=c("Mary","Mary","Bob","Bob","Mary"),
total=c(10,15,25,15,20), paid=c(5,5,10,10,15))
ggplot(df, aes(x=date,y=total,color=adjuster,group=1)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(aes(x=date, y=total, color=adjuster, group=1)) +
geom_line(aes(x=date, y=paid, group=2), data=df, colour="black") +