I have a small test program which runs perfectly in the JBuilder 6 debugger. When I make a .jar file and run it I get an error
>java -jar testadll.jar
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You've apparently merged JNA's classes with your own jar file, but omitted its native support. Ensure that all files from the original jna.jar
(not just class files) are copied to the new destination and that their original paths are preserved.
Specifically, your jar file must include com/sun/jna/win32-x86/jnidispatch.dll. If you want to include support for other platforms, you must include com/sun/jna/*/jnidispatch as well.
You should use a version of jna.jar, that supports 64 bit, for example jna-4.1.0.jar or jna-3.4.0.jar.