I have been searching for quite a while now and I can\'t figure out why my query isn\'t working for dates.
I want it to be imported to my database as a Date, this is a c
MySQL date format has to be YYYY-MM-DD
Turn it around so it looks like:
$_SESSION['Datum'] = $DateJaar.'-'.$DateMaand.'-'.$DateDag;
after date is inserted you can format after query $new_format=date('h:i:s d/m/Y',strtotime($date_string));
The MySQL date format is actually YYYY-MM-DD, so if you want to insert a date (guessing your datum field is Date or Datetime) you have to set up your string in that way.
If you want to insert your date in a different way you should use this:
INSERT INTO enrties (datum) VALUES (str_to_date('01/02/2000', '%d/%m/%Y'));
but this will save always the date in YYYY-MM-DD way, since is the default for mysql.