i have an xml file on which i have to do modification basing on some rules and i want to know can we do that in the batch script. suppose the following is the sample of xml file
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q19559569.xml) DO (
ECHO("%%a"|FIND "<conf-front>" >NUL
ECHO(^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
ECHO(^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
ECHO(^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
where q19559569.xml is your original and newfile.xml is created.
Batch is really not a suitable tool for the task.
I've assumed that by "before" you mean "on the line preceding that on which the nominated tag appears" and not "directly before the tag" - that is, between the leading > >
and the tag.
Since the inserted text nominated is clearly artificial, if the real text you require is placed in a file called say insertme.txt
then replacing the three ECHO
statements with
type insertme.txt
should be more flexible.
FOR %%x IN (*.xml) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN ('type "%%x"') DO (
ECHO("%%a"|FIND "<conf-front>" >NUL
ECHO(^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
ECHO(^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
ECHO(^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
This mod should produce a new file with extension .new
from the existing .xml
@echo off
::get the line before desired tag
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n "<conf-front>" some.xml') do set /a line=%%L-1
::create empty file
::get first <%line%> lines of the file
fc "%temp%\empty" "some.xml" /lb %line% /t |more +4 | findstr /B /E /V "*****" >temp.xml
:: add additional content
echo ^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^> >> temp.xml
echo ^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^> >> temp.xml
echo ^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^> >> temp.xml
::get last <%line%> lines of the file
type "some.xml" | more +%line% >> temp.xml
::delete temp empty file
del /Q /F "%temp%\empty"
This will create temp.xml file and you can check if it fits on your needs and then copy it over your old file.Will set this before last <conf-front>
tag so I hope there's only one of this kind.And change some.xml
with the name of your xml everywhere in the code.
EDIT ~ do this with all .xml in a folder (will not affect subfolders)
@echo off
rem cd /d "c:\some_dir"
::create empty file
:: iterate trough the xml files
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for %%X in (*.xml) do (
set "line="
::get the line before desired tag
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n "<conf-front>" %%~dpsnxX') do set /a line=%%L-1
::only in case the tag is presented
if defined line (
::get first <%line%> lines of the file
fc "%temp%\empty" "%%~dpsnxX" /lb !line! /t |more +4 | findstr /B /E /V "*****" >%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml
:: add additional content
echo ^<^^!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
echo ^<^^!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
echo ^<^^!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^> >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
::get last <%line%> lines of the file
type "%%~dpsnxX" | more +!line! >>"%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml"
:: replace the file with these in temp folder with new content
for %%X in (*.xml) do (
move /Y "%temp%\temp.%%~nX.xml" "%%~dpnxX" 2>nul
::delete temp empty file
del /Q /F "%temp%\empty"
Just change c:\some_dir
with your own path.And back-up your dir..
Here is another solution to process a folder full of xml files.
It uses a helper batch file by Aacini called findrepl.bat
from - https://www.dropbox.com/s/rfdldmcb6vwi9xc/findrepl.bat
Place findrepl.bat
in the same folder as the batch file, and remove the REM
to make the .tmp
version of the files overwrite the original files, after you test it.
@echo off
for %%a in (*.xml) do (
echo processing "%%a"
type "%%a" |findrepl "." /e:"<conf-front>" /o:-1:-1 >"%%a.tmp"
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--Delivery Date: 07/23/2013--^>
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--XML Script: sdfasdfdfs--^>
>>"%%a.tmp" echo ^<!--Batch: sdfsdfdssfs--^>
type "%%a" |findrepl /v "." /e:"<conf-front>" /o:-1:-1 >>"%%a.tmp"
REM move "%%a.tmp" "%%a"