Please note: I don\'t know where I am mistaking but I have spent whole day trying to solve this problem. So, I request not to discard it as duplicate question and treat this as
We can set the dimnames
to NULL after converting to matrix
(assuming from the expected output showed in the OP's post without any dimnames)
m1 <- `dimnames<-`(as.matrix(c.m.q), NULL)
If we check the dput
of 'm1', it is of similar structure
structure(c(1801, 1687.3, 1687.2, 1688.95, 1687.15, 1688.95,
1687.5, 1688.85, 1689, 1688.95, 1687.5, 1688, 1688, 1687.5, 1689.95,
1685.85, 1689.9, 1689.95, 1688.8, 1688.95, 1687.15, 1687.2, 1690,
1688, 1688, 1690, 1688.7, 1690, 1688.7, 1689.9, 1688.7, 1689.9,
1688.7, 1689.9, 1689.8, 1687.95, 1689.75, 1689.7, 1687.95, 1689.35,
1689.3, 1651, 1688.5, 1687, 1688.5, 1687, 1688.5, 1687.05, 1688.5,
1687.05, 1687.05, 1688.5, 1688.5, 1688.5, 1688.5, 1688.7, 1685.35,
1688.2, 1688.95, 1685.6, 1685.6, 1689.05, 1685.8, 1689.1, 1686.1,
1686.25, 1689.95, 1688.05, 1689.95, 1688.1, 1689.8, 1688.1, 1689.8,
1686.1, 1689.8, 1689.7, 1686.15, 1689.7, 1689.15, 1686.15, 1689.15,
1689.15), .Dim = c(41L, 2L))