I am using exams2moodle()
from R/exams to create multiple choice and cloze questions in Moodle. Before preparing exams, I would like to be certain how Moodle comput
Essentially you are correct. However, I will discuss a few details below that are Moodle-specific because Moodle does not support the full flexibility of the exams_eval()
strategies from R/exams.
(Note: Some of this functionality, notably for cloze questions, has been improved in R/exams 2.4-0 which at the time of writing is the development version and not yet on CRAN. Until it is, you can get it with install.packages("exams", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
) questionspartial = FALSE
is not possible.rule
specification. For rule = "false"
an incorrectly ticked box gives the proportion -1/#incorrect = -1/(n - #ncorrect).rule = "false2"
which is the default. An incorrectly ticked box still subtracts the proportion 1/#incorrect except in the case where #incorrect = 1 when 1/2 is subtracted.negative = TRUE
would be ignored, it is implicitly always negative = FALSE
) questionsexams2moodle()
currently uses the same default evaluation strategy rule = "false2"
for single-choice questions. This assures that the expected number of points from random guessing strategies is zero. (However, we are thinking about changing the default to rule = "none"
which seems to be more commonly used, i.e, selected an incorrect alternative just gives zero points.)schoice
or mchoice
items within a cloze question, the same rules as above apply. Thus, points can become negative for single-choice questions but not for multiple-choice questions. The default is, however, not to use negative points.mchoice
items within a cloze are currently not supported very well by R/exams because they were not supported at all by Moodle until recently. See Cloze question combining mchoice and num import in Moodle We hope to improve this in future versions.expoints
can be set to a vector of the same length as the number of items giving the number of points for each. (This was improved in the current development version 2.4-0 on R-Forge, though.)The assignment of marks to the points achieved cannot be controlled from exams2moodle()
in R/exams. Thus, you have to configure this in Moodle when putting together the quiz there.